Hi! I'm Adam Hamby.

I am a Software Engineer who is currently looking to get into the industry. I have years of experience with multiple languages and projects I've worked on through my time at the University of South Carolina.

My Experience and Projects

Here's what I excel at.

Skills I've developed through my time at the University of South Carolina Upstate.

My Work

I have worked with many terminal and web based applications, pygame, Godot, Unreal, Unity, and Game Maker Studio.

Professional Skills

I have professional skills when it comes to working Full Stack environments. Including Front/Back end, as well as database systems.

Programming Languages

I'm experienced with languages like Java, C/C++, Python, Scala, Lua, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more.

Here are some of my projects.

Projects both completed and currently in development.


Professional Website for family business. Still in development.


Python based game parody of the "Bejeweled" franchise. Created to test certain ML algorithms for the sake of game development. Still in development.

Contact Database Manager

Class project created using Python and MySQL that allows users to create and keep track of contact information for up to 1000's of entries.

Finance Tracker

Class project created using Java and JavaFX that allows users to easily create monthly budgets with a simple GUI that is both effective and easy to use.

Connect with me!

I'm always looking to network and meet new people!

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